Travel Clinic

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We are able to offer a full travel clinic service to our patients which includes both NHS vaccines which are free and private travel vaccinations which are chargeable. All appointments are subject to availability. Westongrove, Aston Clinton Surgery is a registered Yellow Fever Centre.

January/February 2025 – Please note that we are unable to offer appointments from now until March – subject to appointment cancellation. Our travel nurse team may be able to assess your needs in order for you to seek travel immunisation elsewhere. The nearest privateTravel Clinics are Consult Pharmacy on the Tring Road or Boots Chemist in Hale Leys Shopping Centre in Aylesbury- others are available.

All patients need to complete a Travel Risk Assessment form which can be found on our website, alternatively, forms can be collected from reception at all three sites.

Please allow seven working days for forms to be processed by our travel nurses and please allow at least 10 weeks in order to book the appropriate appointments.

Patients will be informed when this process has been completed and will then be able to book the appropriate appointment. Please check the government website for advice and guidance on travel abroad regarding the Covid-19 pandemic and visit for individual country information.